
Banana Berry Smoothie Cubes

Store these cubes in the freezer to make quick and delicious smoothies that can boost mood, hydration and alkalinity. The berries are super hydrating, and evamor water and dates add lots of alkaline goodness.

Yield: About 16 ounces


1 cup berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries)

1 banana

1 cup baby spinach, washed

2 Medjool dates, pitted

¼ cup raw cashews (unsalted and unroasted)

1 teaspoon elderberry powder

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup evamor water


  1. Blend berries, banana, spinach, dates, cashews, elderberry powder, vanilla, cinnamon and evamor water until smooth. It should be a fairly thick consistency, similar to soft serve ice cream.

  2. Spoon the mixture into an ice cube tray, cover and freeze.

  3. To make smoothies, add some of the cubes to a blender with a splash of evamor water, blend until smooth and serve.

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